Program Counter

With RAM, we have full-fledged memory. And now that we have memory, we can store instructions. That's a tall order, so before we address that problem, let's tackle a smaller problem: How do we get the computer to remember where it was in a set of instructions?

To understand why this problem should be addressed, suppose we had a robot called Bap. Bap is a mechanical chef — provide a recipe, and Bap executes. Suppose Bap is given the following set of instructions:

  1. Heat skillet.
  2. Get egg.
  3. Crack egg into skillet.
  4. Wait 4 minutes.
  5. Remove egg and put into plate.

Bap executes the first step and heats the skillet. After a few minutes, we hear the fire alarm go off. Running to the kitchen, we see a cloud of smoke, the robot staring into a blackening plate. What happened? Bap never left the first step; it had no idea which of the steps to execute next. All Bap knows is that there's some instruction with a number next to it.

The program counter (PC), or more generally, a counter, is a chip that solves this problem. The idea is simple: There's a large screen next to the robot, displaying a number. That number corresponds to the instruction's number. When the screen displays 0,{0,} Bap executes step 0;{0;} screen displays 1,{1,} the robot executes step 1;{1;} screen displays 2,{2,} execute step 2;{2;} and so on. That screen is program counter.

Program counters are not limited to just incrementing its current count. In the algorithm above, if the counter ends at 4, Bap will cook just 1{1} egg. But what if we wanted Bap to cook a hundred? Well, we just reset the counter to a particular number after 4. That is, once the counter reaches 4, reset it to 2 (not 0, since the skillet is already heated). In this way, we can get as many fried eggs as we'd like.

From our iron chef, we see that the program counter provides a feature we don't have yet: Providing the computer a way to keep track of which instruction should be fetched and executed next. To do so, the PC has three operations:

  1. reset(): Fetch the first instruction (PC = 0).
  2. next(): Fetch the next instruction (PC++).
  3. goto(${n}$) Fetch the instruction n{n} (PC = n{n}).

The PC's implementation:

module PC(in[16], load, inc, reset);

	input  in[16], load, inc, reset;
	output out[16];

		Mux16(a=in, b=false, sel=reset, out=in1);

		Or(a=load, b=reset, out=sw1);
		Mux16(a=loopOut, b=in1, sel=sw1, out=registerIn);

		Or(a=sw1, b=inc, out=regload);
		Register(in=regsterIn, load=registerLoad, out=registerOut, out=out);

		Inc16(in=registerOut, out=inc1);
		Mux16(a=registerOut, b=inc1, sel=inc, out=loopOut);
