Floating Point Numbers

This section covers notes on floating point numbers. Earlier, we saw that integers can be easily represented in binary. But what about reals? If we want to represent reals, we need a method of representing numbers like:

{ 3.14, 8.99, 1.01, 1.0, 0.33333 }

Question: How do we represent these numbers in binary?

Fixed Point Binary

One method is fixed point representation. The idea behind fixed point is simple. Given some register that stores a number, some of the register's bits are used to represent the whole number portion and some are used for the fractional. For example, given a register of size 14:

 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0      1 1 0 0 1 0
|---- whole ----| |-- fractional --|

Between these two portions is an imaginary binary point (called the fixed point):

 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0  •    1 1 0 0 1 0
|---- whole ----|  |-- fractional --|

From there, we can interpret the bits just as we would in decimal:


To convert to decimal, we just add up the place values:

64 +32 +4 +1/2 +1/4 +1/32
    	 = 100.78125

In the examples above, the fixed point representation used ones-complement to represent negative real numbers. If the system used twos-complement instead, it would be far more limited in how many numbers it could represent. Consider a system with 4-bit registers that supports both floating point numbers and two's complement.

The largest positive number this system can represent is:

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 = 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 = 0.875

The smallest positive number:

0 + 0 + 0 + 1/8 = 0.125 = 0.125

The smallest negative number:

-1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 = -1 + 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 = -0.125

and the largest negative number:

-1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = -1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = -1

To visualize this range:

-1                 0        0.875

This is a very limited range. That said, fixed-point binary is extremely fast. That speed is why fixed-point binary is still used in systems where time efficiency takes precedence over accuracy:

  • digital signal processing,
  • graphics processing,
  • finance (as we'll see later, rounding in floating point is difficult enough to cause legal liability),
  • JPEG compression algorithms,
  • electricity meters (fixed-point binary processors are much cheaper to produce, and accuracy issues with electricity meters can be resolved via physics — a topic outside this article's scope).

In all of these systems, performance is far more important than accuracy. These systems handle tasks that we want done asap, accurate or otherwise.

Importantly, for any given binary representation of real numbers, there are some numbers we can never accurately represent. For example, the number 110.{\frac{1}{10}.} We can easily represent this in decimal (0.1), because the base in decimal is 10. However, because the base in binary is 2, we cannot logically add up powers of two to a power of 10. This isn't some limitation with processors. It's just a mathematical fact. The number 13{\frac{1}{3}} cannot be accurately represented in decimal or binary, but it can easily be presented in ternary: 0.1.

Floating Point Binary

Outside of the applications listed previously, most systems use floating point representation for real numbers. Floating point representations are colloquially called floats.

First, floats are based on standard scientific notation:

2.99×108=299 000 0001.4×104=0.000145.2×1011=520 000 000 000\begin{aligned} 2.99 \times 10^{8} &= 299~000~000 \\ 1.4 \times 10^{-4} &= 0.00014 \\ 5.2 \times 10^{11} &= 520~000~000~000 \end{aligned}

Just as a refresher, we can expand scientific numbers by shifting ("floating") the dot (decimal point) to the right 𝑛 places (or left for -𝑛), where 𝑛 is the exponent's value:

2.99×10829.9   1 place299.0   2 places2 990.0   3 places29 900.0   4 places299 000.0   5 places2 990 000.0   6 places29 900 000.0   7 places299 000 000.0   8 places\begin{aligned} 2.99 \times 10^{8} \\ &29.9~~~\text{1 place} \\ &299.0~~~\text{2 places} \\ &2~990.0~~~\text{3 places} \\ &29~900.0~~~\text{4 places} \\ &299~000.0~~~\text{5 places} \\ &2~990~000.0~~~\text{6 places} \\ &29~900~000.0~~~\text{7 places} \\ &299~000~000.0~~~\text{8 places} \\ \end{aligned}
1.4×1040.14   1 place0.014   2 places0.0014   3 places0.00014   4 places\begin{aligned} 1.4 \times 10^{-4} \\ &0.14~~~\text{1 place} \\ &0.014~~~\text{2 places} \\ &0.0014~~~\text{3 places} \\ &0.00014~~~\text{4 places} \\ \end{aligned}

Scientific notation has the form:

m×10n m \times 10^{n}

We call n{n} the exponent, and m{m} the mantissa (or significand). At this point, we can state the following proposition:

proposition. Given a representation of the form m×10n,{m \times 10^n,} the more digits n{n} comprises, the more precise m×10n{m \times 10^n} is.

proposition. Given a representation of the form m×10n,{m \times 10^n,} the more digits m{m} comprises, the more accurate m×10n{m \times 10^n} is.

A quick refresher of accuracy versus precision:

Accuracy vs. Precision

For example, if the exponent can only comprise 2 digits, the most we can float the dot is 99 places.

These basic ideas can be applied on processors. Say we were designing a 16-bit processor:

□□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□

We want to represent real numbers as well, so we make the following decision: the 10 bits to the left will represent the mantissa M, and the 6 bits to the right will represent the exponent E:

 □□□□ □□□□ □□      □□□□□□
|----- M ----|  |--- E ---|

At the same time, we want to use twos-compliment for both portions (we'll see why in a moment). So, we reserve the leftmost bit in both portions for the sign bit:

 ■□□□ □□□□ □□      ■□□□□□
|----- M ----|  |--- E ---|

Now, this is where we part ways with floating point. We place the imaginary binary point immediately to the right of the sign bit:

 ■•□□□ □□□□ □□      ■□□□□□
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

The sign bit, then, is the left-most bit in the register. Now, let's say we the bits are initialized as follows:

 0•110 1000 00      000011
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

Because the sign bit is 0, we can conclude that the mantissa is a positive number. If the sign bit were instead 1:

 1•110 1000 00      000011
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

we would have a negative number. This is where we see the benefit of using two's complement for the exponent. If the leftmost bit is 0, then the exponent is positive:

 0•110 1000 00      000011
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

This tells us that the dot should be floated to the right. To conver the number to decimal, we first convert the exponent to decimal. In the example above, the exponent is 000011:


This yields:

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 3

This tells us that we have:

M×23 \texttt{M} \times 2^3

In turn, this tells us that the imaginary point should float to the right by 3 places:

  0•110 1000 00      000011    (0 float)
  01•10 1000 00      000011    (1 float)
  011•0 1000 00      000011    (2 floats)
  0110• 1000 00      000011    (3 floats)
 |----- M -----|  |----E----|

Trailing zeroes on the righthand side are insignificant. So, we can clean up:


All we have to do next is interpret this as a fixed point binary number, but with a slight twist. We must remember whether the leftmost bit in the original binary number was a 1 or 0. If it was 0, then the decimal represented by the binary digit immediately after the dot must be positive. If it was a 1, then the decimal must be negative. In this example, the leftmost bit was a 0, so the decimal must be positive:


tallying to decimal, we get:

0 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 0.5 = 6.5

To see that this approach works for very small numbers, let's consider a negative exponent:

 0•100 0000 00      111110
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

Computing the exponent:

-32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = -2

So, we must float the dot to the left by two places:

  0•100 0000 00        000011    (0 float)
  0•0100 0000 00       000011    (-1 float)
  0•00100 0000 00      000011    (-2 floats)
 |----- M -------|  |----E----|

Chopping off the insiginifcant bits, we get:

0 + 0 + 0 + 1/8 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0.125 = 0.125

The method works for negatives as well:

 1•110 1000 00      000011
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

Once more, we convert the exponent:


The conversion yields:

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 3

So, we must float to the right by 3:

 1•110 1000 00      000011    (0 floats)
 11•10 1000 00      000011    (1 float)
 111•0 1000 00      000011    (2 floats)
 1110• 1000 00      000011    (3 floats)
|----- M -----|  |--- E ---|

Cleaning up:


Because the leftmost bit is 1, we have:


which yields:

-8 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 0.5 = -1.5

Finally, a very small negative number:

 1•100 0000 00      111110
|-•---- M ----|  |--- E ---|

Converting the exponent:

-32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = -2

Go back to the mantissa, and float to the left by 2:

 1•100 0000 00        111110   (0 floats)
 0•1100 0000 00       111110   (1 float)
 0•01100 0000 00      111110   (2 floats)
|------ M ------|  |--- E ---|

Cleaning up:


Now, to convert this number to decimal, we must remember that the leftmost bit in the original number was a 1 (recall our earlier rule about remembering the leftmost bit of the original number):

0 + 0 + (-0.25) + 0.125 = -0.125

Precision vs. Accuracy

Recall our earlier discussion on precision and accuracy. When it comes representing numbers, the word precision refers to the number of bits used to represent a number. Accuracy refers to how close that representation is to the true number.

For example, consider the real number 0.125 in decimal. With a binary system, we can represent this number both precisely and accurately:

The real number 0.1, however, cannot be represented with complete precision:

This gives us 0.125. If we had more bits for the exponent, we can gain more precision:

Max Exponent Bits10.50.250.1250.06250.031250.0156250.00781250.00390625Decimal

With floats, the more bits we have in the mantissa, the more precise our represented number is. Precision is good, so why don't we just give more bits for the mantissa? It's financially expensive. To have more bits, we need a larger register, and to have larger registers, we need more cash to buy the materials. Because of this hurdle, early processors varied widely in how many bits they designated for the mantissa. This led to widespread incompatibility. In turn, this led to a chaotic world of computing — machines couldn't communicate with one another because of all the different specifications.

To see how problematic this is, consider the differences in floating-point representation for different mantissa sizes:

Register Size Mantissa Size Exponent Size Range
System A 8 4 4
Binary Decimal
Largest Mantissa 0111 5
Smallest Positive Mantissa 0001 1
Largest Positive Exponent 0111 8
Largest Negative Exponent 1000 -8
Largest Positive Number 0111 0000 112
Smallest Positive Number 0001 1000 0.00488281
System B 8 5 3
Binary Decimal
Largest Mantissa 01111 15
Smallest Positive Mantissa 00001 1
Largest Positive Exponent 011 4
Largest Negative Exponent 100 -4
Largest Positive Number 01111 011 7.5
Smallest Positive Number 0001 100 0.00390625

Importantly, with a register size of 8, there are only 28=256{2^8 = 256} possible bit patterns. If the system doesn't support real number representation, then only 256 unique values can be represented. In the section on normalization, we'll see that if a system does support real number representation, that range is even smaller.

The more bits we give to the mantissa, the more precise our representations are. But more bits for the mantissa means less bits for the exponent. And the less bits we give the exponent, the less accurate our representation is. This is a tough tradeoff. If we want more precision, we'll have to give up some accuracy. If we want more accuracy, we'll have to give up some precision.

Accumulating Errors

Because of limitations in floating point arithmetic, many computations that appear benign and straightforward can lead to very strange results. Consider the following computation in JavaScript:

let x = 0.1;
x += 0.2;
x -= 0.2;

For some applications, these errors are insignificant. However, they can very quickly become significant:

let x = 0.1;
x += 0.2;
x -= 0.2;
x *= 1e17;

Of course, such large computations arguably should not be done in JavaScript. The language was never designed for intensive numeric computations. Best to use Julia or Matlab for such tasks. Nevertheless, those languages aren't immune either — they're just better at handling (and in many cases, hiding) these errors.

Tips for Handling Floating Point Arithmetic

The following are some helpful guidelines in working with floating point numbers.

Add numbers of similar small magnitude before adding larger magnitude numbers. This tip comes directly from our previous discussion. The further away two floating point numbers, the larger the gap, and the larger the gap, the more likely we are to lose precision. For example, consider the output of the following code:

let x = 0.1;
let y = 0.09;
x += 0.2;
y += 0.21;

Above, we see that adding 0.09 + 0.21 yields a more accurate result that simply adding 0.1 + 0.2. This is because 0.09 and 0.21 are closer in magnitude than 0.1 and 0.2.

Compute the Fractionals as Integers, then Convert to Floats. This is a fairly straightforward tip. Computer systems handle integers better than they do floats. Accordingly, if we know that certain computations will always be performed with same-magnitude floats, we can separate those computations, perform them as integers, then return the result as a float. For example, consider the following code:

let x = 9.999;
let y = 9.998;
let z = x - y;

We can rewrite this computation as:

let x = 9.999;
let y = 9.998;
let z = (x * 1000 - y * 1000) / 1000;

Multiplying Tiny Numbers Against Extremely Large Numbers is Almost Always a Bad Idea. When multiplying and dividing floats, we always want to keep the operands as close to each other as possible. Consider the following computation:

let x = (1 / 77770) * (1 / 11110) * (99990 * 199990 * 22220);

This is a good example of how bad overflow and underflow can be. The result is way, way off. We should be seeing repeating decimals:


To prevent this disaster, we want to rearrange how the computation is performed:

let x = (99990 / 77770) * (22220 / 11110) * 19990;

Turn off the Code Formatter and Linter. Code formatters (e.g., Prettier) and linters often take liberties in inserting or removing parentheses from expressions. Some of these modifications are bad, not so much because the developers don't consider floating point sensitivity, but because they can't possibly predict every possible way to write an expression. Accordingly, if we want to ensure a particular expression is always written as is, we must ensure that the code formatter or linter doesn't go anywhere near such code.


As mentioned earlier, the widespread variations in floating specifications led to a wild west of computer systems. To establish order, IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) created the IEEE-754 standard. IEEE is an organization that creates many standards, and the 754 denotes that the standard was the 754th standard created by IEEE.

Under IEEE-754, processor manufacturers have two options if they want to be IEEE-754 compliant:

  1. The mantissa comprises 24 bits (called single precision).
  2. The mantissa comprises 53 bits (called double precision).