Inserting into a Binary Search Tree

We're given the following tree:

The challenge:

Insert a node containing the value 38 if, and only if, the tree does not contain the value 38.

Now that we know how to search a binary tree, this problem isn't that complicated. All we have to do is search the binary tree for the value 38. If the value 38 doesn't exist, we insert the node at the position that resulted in root = NULL.

Searching for the value 38, we end up at the node(40). The point where root = NULL is when we assigned root the value node(40).left_child, which does not exist. Thus, the value 38 must be inserited as the left-child of node(40).

To implement the algorithm, we can use a tail pointer, call it t, and a driver pointer, d. As long as d moves, t follows. When d reaches the leaf node(40), t is at node(50). Because 38 ≠ 40, t moves to the left-child of 40, which is NULL. All that's left to do is refer to d's left-child — pointed at by t — to create and insert the new node node(38). The procedure:

Insert(BST tree, TYPE data):
	let newNode = new Node(data)
	if (tree->root is null):
		tree->root = newNode
		let d = tree->root
		let t = null
		while (d isnt null):
			t = d
			if (newNode->data === d->data):
				return tree
			else if (newNode->data < d->data):
				d = d->left
				d = d->right
		if (newNode->data < t->data):
			t->left = newNode
			t->right = newNode
	return tree

Here's an implementation in JavaScript:

insert(val) {
	let newNode = new Node(val);
	if (this.root === null) {
		this.root = newNode;
	} else {
		let d = this.root;
		let t = null;
		while (d !== null) {
			t = d;
			if (val === {
				return this;
			} else if (val < {
				d = d.left;
			} else {
				d = d.right;
		if (val < {
			t.left = newNode;
		} else {
			t.right = newNode;
	return this;

Recursive Approach

We can also implement this recursively:

Node* insert(Node* p, int key):
	Node *t;
	if (p == NULL):
		t = new Node(key);
		return t;
	if (key < (*p).data):
		(*p).left_child = insert((*p).left_child, key);
	else if (key > (*p).data)
		(*p).right_child = insert((*p).right_child, key);
	return t;