Preorder Traversal

Preorder traveral is defined as follows:

Procedure: Preorder Traversal Let B{B} be a binary tree. To traverse B{B} in preorder:

  1. Visit some node n{n} in B.{B.}
  2. Traverse the left subtree of n{n} in preorder.
  3. Traverse the right subtree of n{n} in preorder.

In pseudocode, the procedure looks like:


Let's illustrate with a few examples. Consider the following tree:

We start by executing visit(node). This means visiting the root, na:{n_a:}

Then we execute preorder_traverse(left_subtree). This is simply a recursive call of preorder_traverse(), with the left subtree of na{n_a} passed as an argument. Passing the left subtree of na{n_a} as an argument, we again call visit(node). This means visiting the root of the tree, nb:{n_b:}

Because nb{n_b} has no subrees, we finish the call preorder_traverse(left_subtree) and go to the next call, preorder_traverse(right_subtree). This is the right subtree of na:{n_a:}

Putting these calls all together, for binary tree of order 3,{3,} the traversal sequence is:

(na,nb,nc) (n_a, n_b, n_c)

If we had a left-skewed binary tree, the sequence would be (na,nb).{(n_a, n_b).}

The same goes for a right-skewed binary tree. Since there is no left-subtree, the next call is preorder_traverse(right_subtree):


Suppose we're given the following tree:

For preorder traversal, we have the following function:

	let root = binaryTree->root
	if (binaryTree->root isnt null):

This is a recursive function. If the root is not null, we read the data stored in the root. Then, we make a recursive call passing the root's left child as an argument. After that recursive call, we make another recursive call, passing the root's right-child of as an argument.

For example, suppose our example tree is called oak, whose root has the address F0. To preorder traverse oak, we make the call preorder(oak). This results in a function call in stack memory, preorder(F0). The first line in this call prints the value 8:

Inside preorder(F0), we call preorder((*root).left_child). Following our diagram, this means making the call preorder(F1):

Given preorder(F1), we print the value 3, then make the call preorder(F3):

The call preorder(F3) then prints the value 4, and calls preorder((*root).left_child).

Because F3 has no left-child, the call is essentially preorder(0) (a null pointer). Nevertheless, the call is made and subsequently popped off the stack. This takes us to the next call, preorder((*root).right_child). Because F3 has no right-child, this call also results in preorder(0):

Having executed all of the instructions for preorder(F3), the most recent being the call preorder(F1.left_child), the call preorder(F3) is popped off the stack:

We're now back at preorder(F1) to execute preorder(F1.right_child). This results in the call preorder(F4). The value 9 is printed, and the call preorder(F4.left_child) is made.

This recursive call evaluates to preorder(NULL), so we make the next recursive call, preorder(F4.right_child). This also results in preorder(NULL), so preorder(F4) is popped off the stack.

With preorder(F4.right_child) finished, this completes the call for preorder(F4), which completes the call for preorder(F1). This then completes the call for preorder(F1.left_child). The process continues for preorder(F1.right_child). Putting it all together, we have a call trace that looks like:

If we count the number preorder() calls, we'll find that there are 15{15} calls total, given 7{7} nodes. Recall from our earlier discussion that given N{N} nodes, there are N{N} non-null pointers and N+1{N+1} null pointers. Thus, the total number of calls we make is 2N+1.{2N + 1.} This conforms with our data: Given a binary tree of 7{7} nodes, we have 2(7)+1=15{2(7) + 1 = 15} calls for preorder traversal.

Now, although there are 15{15} calls, that does not mean the size of the call stack grows to 15.{15.} Indeed, the most the call stack grows up to is 4.{4.} When we called preorder(F0), that resulted in a call to preorder(F2), then a call to preorder(F5), then a call to preorder(0). Once preorder(0) finishes, it's popped off the stack, then we make another call to preorder(0), then that's popped off the stack, then back to preorder(F5), and so on. The call stack grows up to preorder(0), then back down, and so on.

Because of this up and down movement, the most the call stack grows to is H+2,{H + 2,} where H{H} is the height of the binary tree. For our example tree, the height is H=2,{H = 2,} which yields the call stack size of Sc=H+2=4.{S_c = H + 2 = 4.}

Iterative Approach

Although recursion is the preferred and more common approach for implementing tree traversals, we can also traverse through iterative means. With an iterative approach, we may have to implement our own stack. To see why, let's reuse our oak tree to illustrate. We'll use a function that (for now) looks like the recursive implementation:

fn preorderLoop(Node* root) -> void:
while (root != NULL):
	if ((*root).left_child != NULL):
		root = (*root).left_child;
	else if ((*root).right_child != NULL):
		root = (*root).right_child;

Suppose (*oak).root has the address F0. First we make the call preorderLoop((*oak).root), which evaluates to preorderLoop(F0). The first instruction in this call is print((*root).data), which evaluates to print( The value 8 is thus printed to the console.

Next, we make a call to preorderLoop(F0.left_child). This evaluates to preorderLoop(F1). The first instruction for this call is print(, so the value 3 is logged to the console. Following this call, we have preorderLoop(F1.left_child). This evaluates to preorderLoop(F3). Again the first instruction is print(, so we output 4 to the console.

Then we have preorderLoop(F3.left_child). There is no left-child, so we call preorderLoop(F3.right_child). Now we've got a problem. There is no right-child of F3 — it's a null pointer. Given the program as is, we have no way of "going back" to the previous node, F1. Accordingly, what we need is an auxiliar data structure to keep track of the nodes we've previously visited — a stack.

Suppose we've implemented a Stack data structure, with the functions push() and pop(). The function push() inserts a new node address onto the stack, and the function pop() removes the topmost address from the stack, returning that address as an output value. We also have a function isEmpty() which returns true if the stack is empty, and false otherwise. With this auxiliary data structure, we'll write the rewrite our preorderLoop() function as follows:

fn preorderLoop(Node* root) -> void:
	struct Stack nodeStack;
	while (root != NULL || !isEmpty()):
		if (root != NULL):
			push(nodeStack, root);
			root = (*root).left_child;
			root = pop(nodeStack);
			root = (*root).right_child;