BST Generation via Traversal

Earlier, we saw that we can generate a binary search tree by iteratively calling the insert() function. We can, however, also generate a BST through preorder-traversal (or postorder-traversal). Moreover, unlike the previous sections where we saw how we needed an additional inorder-traversal sequence, we can generate a binary search tree with preorder- or postorder-traversal alone. Let's start with preorder-traversal.

We're given the following preorder-traversal sequence:

Alongside this array, we also need an auxiliary data structure, a stack:

With the sequence and the stack, we can begin. We start by focusing on the first element of the sequence. In this case, pre[0]=30. We create a node and have two pointers point to it, the root pointer, and a temporary pointer p:

Now we focus on the next element, pre[1]=20. We make a check: pre[0] < 30. True. Because it's true, we perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new node with a temporary pointer t.
  2. Make p's left-child pointer point to the new node.
  3. Push the address of p's pointee into the stack.
  4. Move p to the newly created node.

Thus, we have:

Now we move to the next element in the sequence, pre[2]=10. We perform the check again: pre[2] < 20. True. Again, we create a new node with a temporary pointer t, make p's left-child pointer to the new node, push the address of p's pointee into the stack, and move p to the newly created node:

Move the next element, pre[3]=15. Check: pre[3] < 10. False. So, node(15) should be the right-child of node(10). But not so fast. We have to be careful here. Suppose pre[3] was 28 instead. If that were the case, then blindly attaching node(28) as the right-child of node(10) would cause a problem — 28 is greater than 25, and any node greater than 25 should be in node(25)'s right-subtree, not its left. Accordingly, we have two possibilities when node(i) < node(i-1) (i.e., when the node we're about to insert has a value less than the node we just inserted):

  1. node(i-1) < node(i) < stackTop(node)
  2. node(i-1) < stackTop(node) < node(i)

The first case is when the node we're about to insert has a value greater than the node we just inserted, but less than the value of the node at the stack's topframe. (The node at the stack's topframe is the node we inserted just before the last node we inserted). If the first case is true, then we proceed to inserting the new node as the right-child. In this case, it is, so we perform the following:

  1. Create a new node as the pointee of t.
  2. Make p's right-child point to t.
  3. Set p's new pointee as t.

Importantly, we do not push p onto the stack. Why don't we push p? Because if we pushed p onto the stack, then the stack's topmost frame would contain the address of Node(10). But we don't need that address in there. The stack's sole purpose is to keep track of which nodes could still have children. The moment we assign a right-child to a node, there are no other possible children the node can have, because the sequence we're given is the inorder traversal sequence — there are no left-children for a particular node once we've been given its right-child.

That said, performing the above results in:

Now we go to the next element — pre[4]=25. Check once more: pre[4] < 15. False. We've hit another false case, so we make the additional check we saw earlier. Is pre[4] > (*p).data? I.e., is 25 > 15? Yes. Check the second possibility: Is pre[4] < stackTop(node)? No, 25 &nlt; 20.

Here, the second case is true. So, we pop the stack, and move p to that address node(20). Then we must compare again: 25 < 20? False. Once more we make a check: Is pre[4] < stackTop(node)? Yes. 25 < 30. Now we can continue the normal course — attach node(25) as the right-child of node(20), with p pointing to the new node:

Next: pre[5]=40. First check: pre[5] < (*p).data. False; 40 &nlt; 25. Second check: pre[5] > (*p).data. True. Third check: Is pre[5] < peek(stack)->data False. So, we have to pop the stack. p = pop(stack). Now p points to node(30), and we go through checks again. This results in:

The process continues for the remaining elements. The algorithm:

fn createPre(int pre[], int n):
	Stack _stack = newStack(5);
	Node *t;
	int i = 0;
	root = newNode();
	(*root).data = pre[i];
	Node* p = root;
	while (i < n):
		if (pre[i] < (*p).data):
			t = newNode(pre[i++]);
			(*p).left_child = t;
			push(_stack, p);
			p = t;
		else if ((pre[i] > (*p).data) && (pre[i] < peek(stack)->data)):
			t = newNode(pre[i++]);
			(*p).right_child = t;
			p = t;
			p = pop(stack);