The Stack
The following materials pertain to the stack data structure. Unlike the other data structures we've seen, the stack is modeled after a behavioral principle—a defining trait in how the data structure acts, which dictates what the data structure looks like and how the data structure operates. For the stack, this behavioral principle is Last-in-first-out (LIFO).
The principle is simple. Suppose we have a large box to place plates in. If we place one plate, we have the following:
If we place another plate into the box, the new plate would lie on top of the previously-placed plate:
And if we place another:
and another:
Notice how the plates are in a stack. If we simply reached in to take a plate out of the stack (i.e, without rummaging), we would take the plate at the very top:
Looking at the plate we took off the stack, this is the last plate we placed. This is the principle of LIFO—the last that goes in is the first that goes out. A important terms associated with stacks:
When we place an object on the stack, we are pushing on the stack.
When we take an object off the stack, we are popping off the stack.
Why push and pop? It's not entirely clear. One theory is that the terms trace their origins to spring-loaded dispensers at an MIT cafeteria in the 1950s. On these dispensers, the uppermost plate hid all of the plates below it (this is another key feature of stacks). To insert plates into these dispensers, the operator would have to push the plates in, past some hooks. These hooks held the stack down, countering the compressed spring's force. When a guest took a plate off the stack, the spring's force would cause the plate directly below the taken plate to pop into view.
Now that we have a general idea for what the stack is, let's talk about a bit of notation. Suppose we had the following stack:
Symbolically, the stack above is written as:
The variable indicates a frame—an element of the stack—and the variable is a pointer to the topmost frame (in the diagram, the frame colored green). In these materials, we also refer to the topmost frame as the T-frame, and all others as simply frames. Each frame has a subscripted index and a data value stored in it—the number to the right of the vertical bar. We employ this notation to maintain flexibility between different implementations of the stack data structure.
The stack can be implemented in two ways:
- Through a static array, or
- through a linked list.
We now consider each implementation in turn.
Static Stacks
A static stack is a stack with a fixed capacity—the maximum number of frames the stack can hold. Because there's an upper bound on the number of frames, the stack cannot hold frames beyond its given capacity. Static stacks are described as static because they are implemented with static arrays. Where the static array has a fixed size, the static stack has a fixed capacity. And where the array has a variable length, the static stack has a variable height.
For example, suppose we wanted to implement a new, empty stack of capacity 4. Such a stack can be interpreted as:
But when implemented as an array:
Question: How do the array's indices relate to the stack? The indices provide a helpful way for keeping track of the topmost frame. In these materials, we interpret the array qua stack as follows:
Here, we have a stack of capacity 4 and a height of 0. Given the empty
array, when we insert a new element into the array by writing
array[0] = 2
, we are pushing a new frame onto the stack:
The stack's capacity is still 4 but now its height is 1. Pushing another
frame on the stack, say F(9)
we write array[1] = 9
Now the height is 2, but the capacity is still 4. Writing array[2] = 1
we push yet another frame:
The capacity is still 4, but the height is now 3. Once we push another
frame on the stack, say array[3] = 8
, we have:
At this point, we say that the stack is full—the stack's height equals its capacity, and we can push no further frames.
Examining the diagrams above, we see that pushing a frame onto the stack is done by inserting elements into the array from left to right. In other words, from 0 to where is the size of the array. This means that the right-most element in the array is equivalent to the topmost frame in the stack:
Because of how important the topmost frame is, we want to always have a
pointer top
pointing at this frame:
Putting all of this together, we want the following properties for the static stack, just to start:
property, which is anint
value corresponding to the maximum number of frames the stack can hold. -
property, which is anint
value corresponding to the number of frames the stack currently holds. -
property, which is a pointer to the topmost frame. -
property, which returns the number of available frames, anint
value. -
property, which is a pointer to the array implementing the stack.
In C, we can implement the above with a struct
struct Stack {
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int spaceRemaining;
int* S;
Notice that the property top
has the type int
rather than int*
. This
is not a typo. We will see momentarily why we should have top
be of type
Following the struct
implementation above, the first step is to write a
constructor for the static stack. In C, we can write the constructor as
struct Stack* newStack(int maxSize) {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).capacity = maxSize;
(*stack).height = 0;
(*stack).top = -1;
(*stack).spaceRemaining = maxSize;
(*stack).S = malloc(sizeof(int)*maxSize);
return stack;
All of the code put together:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Stack {
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int space;
int* S;
struct Stack* newStack(int maxSize) {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).capacity = maxSize;
(*stack).top = -1;
(*stack).height = 0;
(*stack).space = maxSize;
(*stack).S = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxSize);
return stack;
The first fundamental operation to all stacks is pushing. The implementation is straightforward. In pseudocode:
fn push(Stack* stack; int data) -> void:
stack->top += 1;
stack->S[stack->top] = data;
stack->height += 1;
stack->spaceRemaining -= 1;
In the implementation above, we're working a record that provides:
struct Stack:
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int* S;
constructor Stack(int maxSize) -> Stack*:
Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(stack));
stack.capacity = maxSize;
stack.height = 0; = -1;
stack.S = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxSize);
return stack;
Following the code above, the push()
function takes two arguments—the
address of some Stack
instance, and an int
value, the data to be
stored. Say we called push(myStack, 4)
. This results in:
Stack* stack = myStack;
int data = 4;
On Line 2 of push()
, we increment the instance's top
Previously, top = -1
. Incrementing, we get top = 0
. With top = 0
, we
can now use it as an index. When we write:
stack->S[stack->top] = data;
We are actually writing:
stack->S[0] = 4;
This is why refer to top
as a pointer, even though it's an int
The expression S[0]
is simply a pointer to the first element in the S
array; S[1]
to the second element; S[2]
to the third, and so on.
Finally, the last step we performed is incrementing height
. This
maintains the number of frames currently in the stack.
The function above, however, is not implemented well. Why? Because it does
not include a guard against pushing onto the stack beyond its limit, the
. Accordingly, we need a capacity guard.
Capacity Guard
With static stacks, we must always be using a capacity guard—a
procedure that determines whether the stack's capacity has been reached.
We'll implement this procedure as a function called isFull(),
which returns true
if the stack's capacity has been reached, and false
otherwise. The procedure is straightforward:
isFull(struct Stack* stack) -> bool :
return (stack->capacity) == (stack->height);
Alternatively, we could implement the guard using the spaceRemaining
isFull(struct Stack* stack) -> bool :
return (stack->spaceRemaining) == 0;
In the procedure above, we determine if a static stack is full by testing
if it's capacity
equals its height
. To illustrate why this works,
suppose we instantiated a new static stack called myStack
, of capacity
. The stack and its properties:
capacity = 3
height = 0;
spaceRemaining = 3;
Using our previous push function, when we call push(myStack, 3)
, we get:
capacity = 3
height = 1;
spaceRemaining = 2;
Notice that in doing so, the height
is now 1
. If we push another by
calling push(myStack, 7)
, we get:
capacity = 3
height = 2;
spaceRemaining = 1;
Now we have height = 2
. Then when we call push(myStack, 5)
capacity = 3
height = 3;
spaceRemaining = 0;
Notice that height
is now 3
, which is equal to the capacity
. Thus,
when we call isFull(myStack)
at this point, we will get back true
stack is at capacity. Before this point, isFull(myStack)
returns false.
Now that we have a function that can determine if a given stack is full, we
can revise our push()
fn push(Stack* stack; int data) -> void:
if (isFull(stack)):
print "Stack overflow";
stack->top += 1;
stack->S[stack->top] = data;
stack->height += 1;
Above, we included the capacity guard isFull(stack)
. If the stack is
full, then we print the message "Stack overflow"
. This prevents us from
pushing any further frames onto the stack. Otherwise, we can proceed with
pushing. See below for a language-specific implementation.
Time Complexity. The time complexity examining the procedure above, we see that it consists entirely of basic steps. This tells us that the time complexity of pushing an element on the stack is —constant time.
Here is a capacity guard implementation in C:
bool isFull(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).spaceRemaining == 0;
And here is a push implementation:
void push(struct Stack* stack, int data) {
if (isFull(stack)) {
printf("Stack overflow\n");
} else {
(*stack).S[(*stack).top] = data;
And just to confirm that this works:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Stack {
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int spaceRemaining;
int* S;
struct Stack* newStack(int maxSize) {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).capacity = maxSize;
(*stack).height = 0;
(*stack).top = -1;
(*stack).spaceRemaining = maxSize;
(*stack).S = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxSize);
return stack;
bool isFull(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).capacity == (*stack).height;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int data) {
if (isFull(stack)) {
printf("Stack overflow\n");
} else {
(*stack).S[(*stack).top] = data;
int main() {
int stackSize = 3;
struct Stack* stack = newStack(stackSize);
push(stack, 8);
push(stack, 3);
push(stack, 6);
for (int i = stackSize-1; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("%d\n", (*stack).S[i]);
push(stack, 7); // should print "Stack overflow"
return 0;
Stack overflow
Alongside push()
, we also need a function that implements
popping—taking the topmost element off the stack. Unsurprisingly, we'll
call this function pop(). It returns nothing, and takes as an
argument the address of some stack. The procedure is straightforward:
- Decrement
. - Decrement
That's it. From a C perspective, notice we aren't performing any operation
like free()
or delete
. This is because we cannot free or
delete parts of an array. In C, we can only free()
the pointer we get
back from malloc()
, which is a pointer to the first element in the array.
Thus, to pop a frame off the stack, the core operations are decrementing
and height
. In pseudocode:
fn pop(Stack* stack) -> void;
stack->top -= 1;
stack->height -= 1;
As we saw with push()
, this function is incomplete. Without more, we
would be able to call this function on an empty stack. And we do not want
that—it makes no sense to remove something that isn't there. Accordingly,
we need an empty guard.
Empty Guard
The empty guard is a procedure that determines if a given stack is
empty. The question then, is, when is a stack empty? When its height
. Needless to say, the implementation is short:
fn isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) -> bool:
return (stack->height) == 0;
To see that this works, suppose we had a stack aStack
of size 3
capacity = 3
height = 3;
top = 2;
When we call pop(aStack)
, we get:
capacity = 3
height = 2;
top = 1;
Notice that the value occupying S[2]
doesn't disappear. It's still there,
it's just that the top
has changed. And because the top
has changed,
can be overwritten later. Because of this fact, S[2]
been popped
off the stack for all functional purposes.
When we call pop(aStack)
again, we get:
capacity = 3
height = 1;
top = 0;
And when we call pop(aStack)
one more time:
capacity = 3
height = 0;
top = -1;
At this point, the aStack
is effectively empty, identified by a
particular property of its current state: height = 0
Now that we have an empty guard, we can rewrite our pop()
fn pop(Stack* stack) -> void;
if (isEmpty(stack)):
print "Stack underflow";
stack->top -= 1;
stack->height -= 1;
stack->spaceRemaining += 1;
With the function above, if the user attempts to call pop()
on an empty
stack, the function returns an error message "Stack underflow"
Otherwise, the popping proceeds.
Time Complexity. Like pushing, popping an element off the stack consists
entirely of basic steps. As such, the pop()
function has time complexity
of —constant time.
Here's an implementation of the isEmpty()
function in C:
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == 0;
And the pop()
function's implementation:
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Stack underflow\n");
} else {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Stack {
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int spaceRemaining;
int* S;
struct Stack* newStack(int maxSize) {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).capacity = maxSize;
(*stack).height = 0;
(*stack).top = -1;
(*stack).spaceRemaining = maxSize;
(*stack).S = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxSize);
return stack;
bool isFull(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).capacity == (*stack).height;
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == 0;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int data) {
if (isFull(stack)) {
printf("Stack overflow\n");
} else {
(*stack).S[(*stack).top] = data;
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Stack underflow\n");
} else {
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
} else {
for (int i = (*stack).top; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("%d\n", (*stack).S[i]);
int main() {
struct Stack* aStack = newStack(3);
push(aStack, 1);
push(aStack, 8);
push(aStack, 4);
return 0;
Stack underflow
An operation commonly associated with stacks is the peek operation. The peek operation returns the stack frame at a given position The operation is called peeking because the topmost frame hides all of the frames beneath it.
Suppose we had the following stack:
The numbers to the right correspond to the indices of the array that implements the stack:
However, because we think of the stack as going from top to bottom, we want to interpret the topmost frame as the "first" frame. In other words, the frame with position 0:
We can implement this interpretation by finding an equation that expresses
the position value in terms of top
and the index i
that must be passed
to S[i]
. To do so, let's compare the values in a table:
position | top | array index |
0 | 3 | 3 |
1 | 3 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 0 |
Looking at these values, we can express the array index we must use to obtain the position with the following formula:
where is the index, is the value of top
, and is the
argument passed. Implementing this procedure:
fn peek(Stack* stack, int position) -> int :
int frameVal = INT_MIN;
if (isEmpty(stack)):
print "Stack is empty, returning INT_MIN";
if (0 <= position <= stack->top):
int i = (stack->top) - position;
frameVal = stack->S[i];
print "Invalid index, returning INT_MIN";
return frameVal;
In the implementation above, we included two guards. First, a guard
checking whether the stack is empty. If it is empty, we log an error
message and return a dummy frame value, INT_MIN
. If the stack is not
empty, then we proceed to the else-branch.
Inside the else-branch, we encounter the second guard:
0 <= position <= stack->top
. This guard ensures that a valid position
value was passed—the value must be within the range of 0 through top
Otherwise, we log an error message and return the dummy frame value.
Time Complexity. Because the procedure above consists entirely of basic steps, we have a time complexity of —constant time.
Here's an implementation of the peek()
function in C:
int peek(struct Stack* stack, int position) {
int frameVal = INT8_MIN;
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Empty stack. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
} else {
if (0 <= position && position <= (*stack).top) {
int i = (*stack).top - position;
frameVal = (*stack).S[i];
} else {
printf("Invalid index. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return frameVal;
Testing the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Stack {
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int space;
int* S;
struct Stack* newStack(int maxSize) {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).capacity = maxSize;
(*stack).top = -1;
(*stack).height = 0;
(*stack).space = maxSize;
(*stack).S = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxSize);
return stack;
bool isFull(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == (*stack).capacity;
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == 0;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int datum) {
if (isFull(stack)) {
printf("Stack overflow\n");
} else {
(*stack).S[(*stack).top] = datum;
void pushArray(struct Stack* stack, int dataArray[], int arraySize) {
if (arraySize > (*stack).space) {
int diff = arraySize - (*stack).space;
printf("Stack overflow by %d element(s).\n", diff);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
push(stack, dataArray[i]);
int peek(struct Stack* stack, int position) {
int frameVal = INT8_MIN;
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Empty stack. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
} else {
if (0 <= position && position <= (*stack).top) {
int i = (*stack).top - position;
frameVal = (*stack).S[i];
} else {
printf("Invalid index. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return frameVal;
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Empty stack.\n");
} else {
for (int i = (*stack).top; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("%d\n", (*stack).S[i]);
int main() {
struct Stack* stack = newStack(5);
const int arrSize = 5;
int arr[arrSize] = {3,9,2,1,5};
pushArray(stack, arr, arrSize);
int peek0 = peek(stack, 0);
printf("peek0: %d\n", peek0);
int peek4 = peek(stack, 4);
printf("peek4: %d\n", peek4);
int peek6 = peek(stack, 6);
printf("peek6: %d\n", peek6);
return 0;
peek0: 5
peek4: 3
Invalid index. Returning INT8_MIN.
peek6: -128
When we pull from a stack, we are retrieving the data value in the
topmost frame. Because the top
pointer updates each time we push and pop
off the stack, the procedure is straightforward:
fn pull(Stack* stack) -> int:
if (isEmpty(stack)):
print "Stack is empty. Returning INT_MIN."
return INT_MIN
return (*stack).S[stack->top];
As usual, whenever we're trying to retrieve some data from the stack, we
want to ensury the stack is not empty. If it is, we log an error message
and return a dummy value INT_MIN
. If it isn't then we return the topmost
frame's stored value.
Complexity. Because all of the steps in the procedure above are basic
steps, the time complexity for pull()
is constant—
Here's an implementation of pull()
in C:
int pull(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Stack is empty. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return INT8_MIN;
} else {
return (*stack).S[(*stack).top];
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Stack {
int capacity;
int height;
int top;
int spaceRemaining;
int* S;
struct Stack* newStack(int maxSize) {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).capacity = maxSize;
(*stack).top = -1;
(*stack).height = 0;
(*stack).spaceRemaining = maxSize;
(*stack).S = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxSize);
return stack;
bool isFull(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == (*stack).capacity;
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == 0;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int datum) {
if (isFull(stack)) {
printf("Stack overflow.\n");
} else {
(*stack).S[(*stack).top] = datum;
void pushArray(struct Stack* stack, int dataArray[], int arraySize) {
if (arraySize > (*stack).spaceRemaining) {
int diff = arraySize - (*stack).spaceRemaining;
printf("Stack overflow by %d element(s).\n", diff);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
push(stack, dataArray[i]);
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Empty stack.\n");
} else {
int peek(struct Stack* stack, int position) {
int frameVal = INT8_MIN;
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Empty stack. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
} else {
if (0 <= position && position <= (*stack).top) {
int i = (*stack).top - position;
frameVal = (*stack).S[i];
} else {
printf("Invalid index. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return frameVal;
int pull(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Stack is empty. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return INT8_MIN;
} else {
return (*stack).S[(*stack).top];
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Empty stack.\n");
} else {
for (int i = (*stack).top; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("%d\n", (*stack).S[i]);
int main() {
struct Stack* stack = newStack(5);
const int arrSize = 5;
int arr[arrSize] = {3,9,2,1,5};
pushArray(stack, arr, arrSize);
int currentTop = pull(stack);
printf("Current top: %d\n", currentTop);
return 0;
Current top: 5
Dynamic Stacks
In contrast to static stacks, dynamic stacks are stacks that have no set capacity. As long as we have memory available, we can store as many stacks as we'd like. To realize this property, we implement dynamic stacks with linked lists rather than arrays. Consider the following dynamic stack:
As a linked list:
Notice that with the linked list implementation, the list's head serves as the topmost frame, and the list's tailend serves as the bottom-most frame. Contrast this with arrays, where the array's last element is the topmost frame, and the array's first element is the bottom-most frame.
Why this difference? Because when used an array, inserting new elements into the array would require shifting the elements. Given elements, this would take By interpreting the last element as the topmost element, we do not need to shifting; we simply append, and that takes time.
With the linked list, however, appending takes time. Why? Because to append to a linked list, we must traverse over nodes to reach the tailend. If we interpreted the head as the topmost element, then pushing an element onto the stack takes time—we just have to link the new node to the head, and change the head to the newly prepended head.
For example, suppose we wanted to implement the stack:
The first frame in this stack is F(7)
Thus, this is the first node in the
list. When we prepend a node to the list, F(2)
that becomes the next
frame. And when we prepend another, that becomes the next frame. The end
Notice that the head
pointer, denoted t
, is equivalent to the stack's
pointer. Let's implement the base data structure.
To implement the linked list qua stack, we need a linked list data structure. And to implement a linked list data structure, we need a node data structure. Below is C code for implementing a node and its constructor:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* newNode(int newData) {
struct Node* node = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
(*node).data = newData;
(*node).next = NULL;
return node;
Because we're working with stacks, however, we should use more descriptive names:
struct Frame {
int data;
struct Frame* next;
struct Frame* newFrame(int newData) {
struct Frame* frame = malloc(sizeof(struct Frame));
(*frame).data = newData;
(*frame).next = NULL;
return frame;
The only change here is using the word "frame" instead of "stack." This is a matter of personal style, but whenever we work with abstract data types, we want to use names that allow us to think in terms of the type.
Next, we'll want to implement some struct
for the stack and its
struct Stack {
struct Frame* top;
int height;
struct Stack* newStack() {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(stack));
(*stack).top = NULL;
(*stack).height = 0;
return stack;
Notice that the newStack()
constructor has its top
pointer initially
set to NULL
. We do so because it makes logical sense—a new stack is
initially empty; it's top
points to nothing. With the data structure in
place, we can begin implementing its operations.
We also include a height
property. This allows us to keep track of how
high the stack has grown. We'll later see that this is a useful property to
Dynamic Stacks: Pushing
Suppose we had the following existing stack:
As a linked list, the stack above looks like:
Now let's say we wanted to add the frame F(5)
Now that we know that the head
pointer is equivalent to the top
pointer, pushing the frame F(5)
to the stack is equivalent to prepending
a new node. The procedure:
- First create a new node with some pointer
. - Have
's pointee (the node we're to prepend) point toh
's pointee (the current head). - Make
's pointee become the newhead
Implementing push()
for a dynamic stack is similar to to implementing
for a static stack. The key difference, however, is that the
dynamic stack has no set capacity (we can, of course, impose such a limit).
But, just because we don't impose a set capacity doesn't mean the dynamic
stack grows infinitely. Memory is a finite resource, and at some point,
we'll hit a wall. Accordingly, we still need a capacity guard for
fn push(Stack* stack, int data) -> void:
Node* t = newNode(data);
if (*t == NULL):
print "Stack overflow";
t->next = stack->top;
stack->top = t;
In the code above, the capacity guard is (*t == NULL)
. This condition
occurs if, and only if, we no longer have any memory to work with. Most
programs don't run into this issue, but because it can occur—e.g., pushing
with an accidental runaway recursive function or too long of a loop—we
always want to have this guard in place.
Additionally, we also increment the stack's height
property, since adding
a new frame grows the stack.
Below is an implementation of the push()
function in C:
void push(struct Stack* stack, int data) {
struct Frame* frame = newFrame(data);
if (frame == NULL) {
printf("Stack overflow.");
} else {
(*frame).next = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = frame;
For testing, we'll also want a print()
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
while (p != NULL) {
printf("%d\n", (*p).data);
p = (*p).next;
The test:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Frame {
int data;
struct Frame* next;
struct Frame* newFrame(int newData) {
struct Frame* frame = malloc(sizeof(struct Frame));
(*frame).data = newData;
(*frame).next = NULL;
return frame;
struct Stack {
struct Frame* top;
int height;
struct Stack* newStack() {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(stack));
(*stack).top = NULL;
(*stack).height = 0;
return stack;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int data) {
struct Frame* frame = newFrame(data);
if (frame == NULL) {
printf("Stack overflow.");
} else {
(*frame).next = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = frame;
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
while (p != NULL) {
printf("%d\n", (*p).data);
p = (*p).next;
int main() {
struct Stack* stack = newStack();
push(stack, 3);
push(stack, 5);
push(stack, 2);
push(stack, 9);
push(stack, 3);
push(stack, 5);
return 0;
Suppose we had the following dynamic stack.
To pop the topmost frame in the dynamic stack, we must first have a pointer
to t
's pointee, the topmost frame:
Then, we want to have t
point to the frame immediately below the topmost
Positioned as such, we can then delete p
's pointee, the former topmost
The pseudocode:
fn: pop(Stack* stack) -> void:
Node* p = stack->top;
p = (stack->top);
(stack->top) = (stack->top)->next;
free (p);
As we saw with linked lists, this function is incomplete, because we need an empty guard:
fn: isEmpty(Stack* stack) -> bool:
(stack->top) == NULL;
All we're doing here is checking if the stack argument's top
pointer is
. If it is, then the stack is empty. Accordingly, our revised pop()
fn: pop(Stack* stack) -> void:
if (isEmpty(stack)):
print "Nothing to pop: empty stack."
Node* p = stack->top;
(stack->top) = (stack->top)->next;
The pop()
function in C:
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Nothing to pop: stack is empty.\n");
} else {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = (*(*stack).top).next;
The isEmpty()
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).top == NULL;
For convenience, we'll also use a function pushFromArray()
for pushing
multiple frames onto the stack:
void pushFromArray(struct Stack* stack, int dataArray[], int arraySize) {
if (arraySize <= 0) {
printf("Invalid index.\n");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
push(stack, dataArray[i]);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Frame {
int data;
struct Frame* next;
struct Frame* newFrame(int newData) {
struct Frame* frame = malloc(sizeof(struct Frame));
(*frame).data = newData;
(*frame).next = NULL;
return frame;
struct Stack {
struct Frame* top;
int height;
struct Stack* newStack() {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).top = NULL;
(*stack).height = 0;
return stack;
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).top == NULL;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int data) {
struct Frame* frame = newFrame(data);
if (frame == NULL) {
printf("Stack overflow.\n");
} else {
(*frame).next = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = frame;
void pushFromArray(struct Stack* stack, int dataArray[], int arraySize) {
if (arraySize <= 0) {
printf("Invalid index.\n");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
push(stack, dataArray[i]);
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Nothing to pop: stack is empty.\n");
} else {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = (*(*stack).top).next;
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
if (p == NULL) {
printf("Empty list.\n");
} else {
while (p != NULL) {
printf("%d \n", (*p).data);
p = (*p).next;
int main() {
const int arrSize = 2;
int arr[arrSize] = {1,2};
struct Stack* stack = newStack();
pushArray(stack, arr, arrSize);
push(stack, 3);
return 0;
Empty list.
Nothing to pop: stack is empty.
Empty list.
Let's say we had the following dynamic stack, called stackA
We want to retrieve the data in the frame just above the bottom-most frame. To do so, we pretend each frame in the stack has an index, starting at 0:
Once we have this interpretation, we can implement a function peek()
which takes a position
argument, corresponding to the interpreted index.
In this case, to retrieve the frame just above the bottom-most frame, we
would call: peek(stackA, 3)
Implementing the function in pseudocode:
fn peek(Stack* stack, int position) -> int:
if (isEmpty(stack)):
print "Nothing to peek at. Returning MIN_INT."
return MIN_INT;
else if ((stack->height) <= position < 0):
print "Invalid position. Returning MIN_INT."
return MIN_INT;
Stack* p = stack->top;
for (int i = 0; i < position; i++):
p = p->next;
return p->data;
We have two guards with the procedure above. First, we need a guard against peeking at an empty stack. If the stack has no frames, there's nothing to peek at.
Second, we used the stack's height
property and the value 0 as a guard
against peeking at something that isn't inside the stack. If the position
argument is either (a) greater than or equal to the height
, or (b) less
than 0, then the position
argument is invalid.1 And if the
argument is invalid, we log an error message and return a dummy
value, MIN_INT
Only if the position
is valid—i.e., it passes the guards—do we proceed to
the for-loop and traverse the frames to the correct position. Once there,
we return that frame's stored data.
Below is an implementation in C. The peek()
int peek(struct Stack* stack, int position) {
if (position >= (*stack).height || position < 0) {
printf("Invalid position entered. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return INT8_MIN;
} else {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) {
p = (*p).next;
return (*p).data;
For convenience, we'll write a function called popMultiple()
for popping
multiple elements off the stack:
void popMultiple(struct Stack* stack, int popCount) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Nothing to pop. Stack is empty.\n");
} else if (popCount > (*stack).height || popCount <= 0) {
printf("popCount invalid.\n");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < popCount; i++) {
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Frame {
int data;
struct Frame* next;
struct Frame* newFrame(int newData) {
struct Frame* frame = malloc(sizeof(struct Frame));
(*frame).data = newData;
(*frame).next = NULL;
return frame;
struct Stack {
struct Frame* top;
int height;
struct Stack* newStack() {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).top = NULL;
(*stack).height = 0;
return stack;
void push(struct Stack* stack, int newData) {
struct Frame* frame = newFrame(newData);
if (frame == NULL) {
printf("Stack overflow.\n");
} else {
(*frame).next = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = frame;
void pushFromArray(struct Stack* stack, int dataArray[], int arraySize) {
if (arraySize <= 0) {
printf("Invalid index.\n");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
push(stack, dataArray[i]);
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).top == NULL;
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Stack is empty.\n");
} else {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = (*(*stack).top).next;
void popMultiple(struct Stack* stack, int popCount) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Nothing to pop. Stack is empty.\n");
} else if (popCount > (*stack).height || popCount <= 0) {
printf("popCount invalid.\n");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < popCount; i++) {
int peek(struct Stack* stack, int position) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Nothing to peek at. Stack is empty. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return INT8_MIN;
} else if (position >= (*stack).height || position < 0) {
printf("Invalid position entered. Returning INT8_MIN.\n");
return INT8_MIN;
} else {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) {
p = (*p).next;
return (*p).data;
void print(struct Stack* stack) {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
if (p == NULL) {
printf("Empty stack.\n");
} else {
while (p != NULL) {
printf("%d\n", (*p).data);
p = (*p).next;
int main() {
const int arrSize = 4;
int arr[arrSize] = {1,2,3,4};
struct Stack* stack = newStack();
pushFromArray(stack, arr, arrSize);
printf("Stack height: %d\n", (*stack).height);
int topFrame = peek(stack, 0);
printf("topFrame: %d\n", topFrame);
int bottomFrame = peek(stack, 3);
printf("bottomFrame: %d\n", bottomFrame);
int someFrame = peek(stack, 4);
printf("someFrame: %d\n", someFrame);
popMultiple(stack, 4);
peek(stack, 1);
return 0;
Stack height: 4
topFrame: 4
bottomFrame: 1
Invalid position entered. Returning INT8_MIN.
someFrame: -128
Empty stack.
Nothing to peek at. Stack is empty. Returning INT8_MIN.
Stack Use Cases
Because of the stack's last-in-first-out nature, they are tremendously useful for a wide variety of applications. In the sections below, we examine some of the more common use cases.
Parentheses Matching
The program below is a sample program in Scheme:
(define (sqrt x)
(define (good-enough? guess x)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
(define (improve guess x)
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
(if (good-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))
(define (average x y)
(/ (+ x y) 2))
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(sqrt-iter 1.0 x))
(sqrt 2)
Those who don't work with the Lisp-descendant languages almost always say
the same thing: "))))))
". Accordingly, there are a whole host of text
editors with various solutions" to the parentheses use.2 Some
editors take the approach of coloring the matching parentheses.
(sqrt 2)
To color these parentheses, however, there must be a way to match parentheses. This raises the question: How do we match parentheses? It turns out the stack is a particularly useful data structure for parentheses matching.
First, suppose we had the following parenthesized expression, a string value:
To determine if the parenthesis match, we'll use a dynamic stack, performing the following:
Begin with an empty stack.
Iterate over the string from 0 to where is the length of the string.
If a
is encountered, push'('
character onto the stack. Otherwise, continue. -
If a
is encountered, and the stack is not empty, pop off the stack. If the stack is empty, the parenthesis do not match. Otherwise, continue. -
Once all characters have been iterated over:
- If the stack is empty, the parenthesis match.
- If the stack is not empty, the parenthesis do not match.
To see that this works, let's consider our simple expression, (a+b)
First, string values are really just arrays of characters, with the last
character being the string terminator.
We can thus iterate over this array. Starting with the first character, we see that the character is a parenthesis, so we push it onto our dynamic stack:
We go to the next character, and see that it isn't a parenthesis so we skip it:
We skip the next character because it isn't a parenthesis either:
And again we skip the next character because it isn't a parenthesis:
When we get to the next character, it is a parenthesis, so we pop off the stack:
Since the stack is empty, the parentheses in this expression match. To see
when parentheses don't match, let's consider the expression ((a + b)
. The
first run:
The second run:
We skip the next three characters because they aren't parentheses. When we
get to )
, we pop off the stack:
At the end, we see that the stack is not empty.
This tells us that there aren't enough parentheses.
There's one more case where the parentheses do not match. Consider the
expression (a + b))
. After the first parentheses, we have:
And after the second parentheses:
When we get to the third parentheses, we attempt to pop off an empty stack.
This is where we immediately return false
—the parentheses do not match.
Implementing this algorithm:
fn parenMatch(String exp) -> bool:
Stack* stack = newStack();
for (int i == 0; exp[i] != '\0'; i++):
if (exp[i] == '('):
push(stack, exp[i]);
else if (exp[i] == ')'):
if (isEmpty(stack)): return false;
else: pop(stack);
return isEmpty(stack);
Below is an implementation in C. Recall that a char*
is simply a pointer
to a character, and array indices are just shorthand for pointers. The
bool parenMatch(char* exp) {
struct Stack* pStack = newStack();
for (int i = 0; exp[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (exp[i] == '(') {
push(pStack, exp[i]);
} else if (exp[i] == ')') {
if (isEmpty(pStack)) {
return false;
} else {
bool result = isEmpty(pStack);
return result;
Notice how we're freeing pStack
once we're done. Because the stack is
used purely to check if the parentheses in a given expression match, it's
imperative that we free that memory once we're done.
Testing the function:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Frame {
char data;
struct Frame* next;
struct Frame* newFrame(char newData) {
struct Frame* frame = malloc(sizeof(struct Frame));
(*frame).data = newData;
(*frame).next = NULL;
return frame;
struct Stack {
struct Frame* top;
int height;
struct Stack* newStack() {
struct Stack* stack = malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
(*stack).top = NULL;
(*stack).height = 0;
return stack;
bool isEmpty(struct Stack* stack) {
return (*stack).height == 0;
void push(struct Stack* stack, char data) {
struct Frame* frame = newFrame(data);
if (frame == NULL) {
printf("Stack overflow.\n");
} else {
(*frame).next = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = frame;
void pop(struct Stack* stack) {
if (isEmpty(stack)) {
printf("Nothing to pop. Stack is empty.\n");
} else {
struct Frame* p = (*stack).top;
(*stack).top = (*(*stack).top).next;
bool parenMatch(char* exp) {
struct Stack* pStack = newStack();
for (int i = 0; exp[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (exp[i] == '(') {
push(pStack, exp[i]);
} else if (exp[i] == ')') {
if (isEmpty(pStack)) {
return false;
} else {
bool result = isEmpty(pStack);
return result;
void printBool(bool val) {
if (val) {
} else {
int main() {
char exp1[] = "(a(b+c))";
char exp2[] = "(a(b+c)";
char exp3[] = ")(a)(b+c)";
char exp4[] = "(ab+)(c)";
bool exp1Matched = parenMatch(exp1);
bool exp2Matched = parenMatch(exp2);
bool exp3Matched = parenMatch(exp3);
bool exp4Matched = parenMatch(exp4);
return 0;
Since we're indexing from 0, we have to offset by 1. This means that if the
is, say, 3, then the valid indices are ↩ -
Slandering the Lisp descendant's use of parentheses is somewhat of a pastime among the programming community. In reality, the parentheses are really not that big of a deal; after a few programming sessions in the language they're second nature. ↩