Machine Language
With our work so far, we now have three key chips: Registers (which can be wired together to form RAM or ROM), an ALU (for performing hardware level arithmetic and logical operations), and a PC (to keep track of which instruction to perform). The next step is to find a way to pass data between all three of these chips. But before we begin thinking about implementing the connections and designing how the information should flow, we should set a goal. That is, answering the following question: How does the user control the machine?
Answering this question requires us to forget about all of the low-level hardware details, focusing instead on what the end-product looks like. Why this sudden jump? Because we must organize our work. The fact is, a full-fledged computer is complex in its implementation details. Without a clear goal in mind, we risk producing poor designs or losing traction in certain areas. The remedy is a common software design technique called the top-down approach — we establish the final product's behavior and appearance to the user, then break it down into its component parts. In doing so, we gain an organized workflow defined by clear paths to particular endpoints.
Fortunately, the renowned mathematician and computer scientist John von Neumann gives us the final product's high-level design:
Notice how the diagram above looks very much like the chips we've designed so far. This is no coincidence. Servers, laptops, desktops, tablets, mobile phones, smart watches — they're all chips called computer systems. There are various ways to design a computer system, just as there are various ways to design latches and flip-flops. The design above is called the von Neumann architecture. Other designs include the Harvard architecture, the dataflow architecture, the transport triggered architecture, and several others. Of these various architectures, the von Neumann architecture is undoubtedly the most common, so we will structure our final product accordingly. The computer system works as such:
Input — data — is fed to the computer.
The data is fed into memory. Inside the memory, there is some program that instructs the CPU what to do with the data.
The memory sends these instructions to the CPU.
The CPU executes the instructions, and the resulting outputs are returned as the computer system's output.
Our first focus is on the second step — the program containing the CPU's instructions. All of these instructions, as a whole, comprise the computer system's machine language. Machine language instructions can be classified into three categories:
Data instructions. These instructions tell the CPU to perform a particular operation. We can also think of these instructions as operation instructions. For example, an instruction to add, an instruction to subtract, negate, and so on.
Control instructions. These instructions tell the CPU which instruction to perform next. For example, if the CPU is currently at the fourth instruction in the program, the fifth instruction might say, Go back to instruction three.
Address instructions. These instructions can be thought of as operand instructions — they tell the CPU what to operate on. As we know, data is stored in memory. Data instructions tell the CPU where in memory it can find the necessary data it needs to perform its operation instructions. For example, suppose the instruction sent to the CPU is to execute
x = 9 + 8
. This instruction consists of two operation instructions,+
. However, it also consists of addresses: The register storing9
, the register storing8
, and the register referred to asx
. To actually perform the operation, the CPU must know where thex
, and8
are in memory.
So what do these machine language instructions look like? They're just ones
and zeroes. For example, a machine language might have the instruction
mean "perform addition." Or it might have the instruction
mean "go to step four." It's entirely up to the computer system's
Once we have machine language instructions implemented and a way to feed
these instructions to memory, the computer system is essentially complete.
For example, to compute a = 1 + 9
, the user could just pass the following
inputs in order:
0010 0110 0001
0010 0111 1001
1001 0110 0111
0010 1111 1001
To say that this isn't user-friendly is an understatement. Think about all of the complicated we have computers do in the modern era. If the only way we could command a computer is to manually feed ones and zeros, daily computer tasks we take for granted like returning the current time would be difficult to write, let alone more complicated operations like simulating pressure systems.
Because machine languages are unwieldy, computer scientists, specifically programming language designers, create programming languages that allow us to instead write something like:
let a = 1 + 9
This data input is an instruction in some high-level language. That language might be C, Java, Python, JavaScript, etc. How these instructions are understood by the computer is a complicated process that we'll explore in great detail later. The idea, however, is that the instructions are fed to a program called the compiler, which transforms these instructions into the computer's machine language. To transform the high-level language instruction into a machine language instruction, the compiler designer must define the high-level language instructions in terms of machine language instructions.
All the possible instructions in a given computer system's machine language is called the computer system's instruction set. The computer system's instruction set is its most valuble interface. Without an instruction set, there's no way to connect hardware to software.
How is this connection made? By and large, by tying the machine language
instructions directly to hardware. For example, a machine language
instruction for addition might translate to having the ALU output from its
pin. These instructions are called simple instructions —
instructions directly tied to hardware. However, the machine language can
also have compound instructions — an instruction to execute a
sequence of simple or other compound instructions. In doing so, we can
provide unique instructions for operations not directly implemented by the
hardware. Because of the ability to write both simple and composite
instructions, the computer architect must answer several questions when
designing the computer system's machine language:
What operations should be encapsulated into a single instruction? For example, do we want a unique instruction for division? Computing remainders? Squaring?
What control mechanisms do we want encapsulated into a single instruction? Maybe we want specific instructions for
, andelse
. Or specific instructions for a while loop. -
What data types, if any, do we want the instruction set to support?
At the machine language level, a data type is an instruction that indicates how many bits comprise a single a unit of data. The machine language might have no data types, in which cases every piece of data is defined restricted to the computer's word size — a register's width. If the word size is bits, the user can only work with bits at any given moment. Alternatively, we might have many data types — bits, bits, bits, and so on. This allows us to directly support floating point arithmetic directly within hardware.
Answering these questions requires analyzing tradeoffs. The more instructions we have, the bigger the instruction set. And the bigger the instruction set, the easier it is to create and support complex operations on the computer system. But that also means we get a more expensive bill, in terms of time and money. The larger an instruction set is over a smaller silicon area, the more time it takes to execute instructions. We can reduce that time by getting more silicon, but that requires more funding and resigning ourselves to a larger device.
Assembly Language
To help the compiler designers (and later, as we'll see, operating system designers) construct these definitions, the computer architect provides mnemonics for the machine language instructions. For example, suppose the computer system has a machine language instruction:
The make these machine language instructions easier to work with, the computer architect creates a system of mnemonics to organize and easily identify instructions in the machine language:
0100001 | 0011 | 0010 |
ADD | R2 | R1 |
In this case, the mnemonic ADD
corresponds to the machine language
instruction 010001
, and means the operation instruction "perform
addition". The mnemonic R2
corresponds to the instruction 0011
, which
means "register 2". And the mnemonic R1
corresponds to the instruction
, which means "register 1." Putting it all together, when the
compiler or operating system designer writes:
They're writing the instruction, "Add the contents of registers 1 and 2,"
which translates to 01000100110010
. These mnemonics — ADD
, R1
, and many others — are called assembly language
instructions__, and they constitute the computer system's __assembly
language. Since assembly language instructions are just mnemonics for
machine language instructions, the computer system's instruction set can
also be defined as the set of all possible assembly language instructions
we can write in the computer system.
But wait. How does the computer understand ADD
, R2
, and R1
? Isn't
this the same problem we saw with compilers? While it may seem like it's
turtles all the way down, the last turtle is the assembler — a
program that converts the assembly language instructions to machine
language instructions. This program is written in machine language; at
least at first. Later, when we examine an assembler's implementation, we'll
see a technique called bootstrapping, which makes modern assembler design
easier than it sounds.
In designing an assembly language, we want to keep it extremely simple
while also providing some form of readability (that is, after all, why
assembly language is provided in the first place). Accordingly, some
operations are so common that assembly language designers provide more
concise syntax. For example, instead of having the user write R2
, a
better design would be to have the user write:
ADD Mem[249] Mem[250]
Recall that main memory is just a giant stack of registers, each with
unique addresses. Thus, the symbol Mem
indicates that we're writing a
data instruction (i.e., access a particular register), and the numbers
and 250
refer to the index of that register in main memory. Thus,
wherever we write Mem[250]
, we're referring to the register with the
index 250
We can go a step further and provide an even better design: Instead of
having the user write Mem[250]
, we can design the assembly language to
ADD x y
Here, x
and y
are called a symbols or names the user provides
to refer to particular registers. When the user sends these instructions to
the assembler, the assembler sees these symbols, and automatically
translates the x
and y
into some unoccupied memory location. For
example, if the registers Mem[135]
and Mem[136]
are free, x
and y
are translated into Mem[135]
and Mem[136]