JavaScript Fundamentals

Values & Types

Values in JavaScript (and many other programming languages), are classified by type. A value's type will determine what JavaScript can and cannot do with the value. There are two categories of types: primitive types and object types. These primitive types are: Number, String, Boolean, Null, Undefined, and Symbol.

Any value that is not a number, string, boolean, symbol, null, or undefined is an object type value. Generally, an object (a value of object type), is a collection of properties, where each property consists of a__ name __ and its corresponding value (and that value may be a primitive type value or an object).

The key difference between an object type value and a primitive type value: Object type values are mutable (the value can be changed), while primitive type values are immutable (the value cannot be changed).

For example, if we have an object with a property {emotion: "happy"}, the emotion's assigned value, "happy" can be changed. But, the value 1, a value of primitive type number, cannot be changed (rightly soβ€”there is no other value of "1" other than "1"). Below we cover the key features of the primitive types.

If we are ever unsure what type a particular value is, we can use the typeof operator.

typeof 3476; // output: "number"
typeof true; // output: "boolean"

Number Type

Unlike some programming languages (e.g., Java), JavaScript only has 1 number type. Moreover, JavaScript uses 64 bits to represent single number values. With 64 bits, we can represent up to 2^64 different numbers in JavaScript (roughly a quintillion). However, because must also represent negative numbers and floating point numbers, the actual maximum number we can store is roughly 9 quadrillion.

The primitive type number stores integers, floats (decimal numbers), and approximations of real numbers. In other words, immutable numeric data. And when a number appears directly in a JavaScript program is called a numeric literal. Negative integers can be stored by appending a minus sign directly to the number (e.g., -17).

JavaScript's number type is not limited to the base-10 system or to decimal decimal notation:

// 12648430 in hex is C0FFEE

// 17 in binary is 0011

// 3.8 * 10^8:

We can also ensure large numbers are more readable with underscores as separators:

// The number 10,000,000


The value NaN ("Not a Number") represents a numeric value that is not a number, but is a value of type number.

NaN is the value returned from undefined operations:

// This evaluates to NaN
0 / 0;

// This also evaluates to NaN
NaN + 1;

NaN has an unusual feature in JavaScript: it does not equal itself or any other value. This leads to some unusual results:

const x = NaN;
console.log(x === NaN);

Thus, to check whether a variable is equal to NaN, we need to test for nonequality. The expression will return true if, and only if, the variable has the same value as NaN. If it does not, then the variable does not have the value NaN.

const x = NaN;
console.log(x != NaN);


The value infinity is the value returned from perform indeterminate operations. More specifically, JavaScript stores infinity in two different ways, ∞+\infty^+ (positive infinity) and βˆžβˆ’\infty^- (negative infinity).

// this evaluates to positive infinity
1 / 0 -
	// this evaluates to negative infinity
	1 / 0;


Perhaps to the mathematician's disgust, JavaScript has two values for 0:

0 - // positive 0
	0; // negative 0


The data type BigInt is a separate primitive type for numeric data. BigInt is the primitive type for extraordinarily large numbers (e.g., numbers with thousands or millions of digits):

// the number 11,395,430,243,259,821:

The distinguishing syntax for BigInt is the symbol

n appended to the end of the literal.

Math Object

JavaScript has a built in math object, which provides values and operations (more accurately "methods"). These built-in values and methods allow programs to perform somewhat complex operations without having to write code from scratch. Below are static properties:

PropertyEvaluates to
Math.Ee{e} (Euler's constant)
Math.LN2ln⁑2{\ln 2}
Math.LN10ln⁑10{\ln 10}

And the static methods:

Math.sin(x)sin⁑x{\sin x}
Math.cos(x)cos⁑x{\cos x}
Math.tan(x)tan⁑x{\tan x}
Math.hypot(x, y)x2+y2{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}
Math.abs(x)∣x∣{\lvert x \rvert }
Math.ceil(x)⌈xβŒ‰{\lceil x \rceil} (next largest integer)
Math.floor(x)⌊xβŒ‹{\lfloor x \rfloor } (next smallest integer)
Math.round(x)⌊xβŒ‰{ \lfloor x \rceil } (nearest integer function)
Math.max(x,y,z)Given numbers x,y,z,{x, y, z,} returns largest number
Math.min(x,y,z)Given numbers x,y,z,{x, y, z,} returns smallest number
Math.random()pseudorandom float n,{n,} where 0<n<1.{0 < n < 1.}
Math.sign()number's signage

In addition to the math object methods, we have the basic arithmetic operators and the unary operators:

a + ba+b{a + b}
a - baβˆ’b{a - b}
a * b(a)(b){(a)(b)}
a ** bab{a^b}
a / bab{\dfrac{a}{b}}
a % baβ€Šmodβ€Šb{a \bmod b}
x += nx=x+n{x = x + n}
x -= nx=xβˆ’n{x = x - n}
x *= nx=xΓ—n{x = x \times n}
x /= nx=x/n{x = x / n}
x %= nx=xβ€Šmodβ€Šn{x = x \bmod n}

And the unary operators:

Unary OperatorReturns
x++x=x+1{x = x + 1}
x--x=xβˆ’1{x = x - 1}


Like other languages, values in JavaScript can be stored in a variable. Variables themselves are a kind of binding. They consist of two attributes: A name, which allows us (and JavaScript) to tell variables apart. And a value, which represents the current contents of the variable. The name of a variable is fixed. But, the value can (but not always) change whenever we assign a new value to the variable.

Unlike many other programming languages (e.g., Java), JavaScript variables and constants are untypedβ€”we do not specify the type of the value to be assigned in a declaration. Variables are essentially boxes with labels, that we can then use to store data. By storing data in a variable, we can recall the data later on, use it, or change it.

Before we can use a variable in JavaScript, they must be declared. There are three ways to declare variables in JavaScript: let, const, or var. We cover each of their uses below. To do so, however, we need to give the variable a name. The general template:

let n{n} = val{val};

const n{n} = val{val};

var n{n} = val{val};

Where n{n} is the name we give to the variable (an identifier) and val{val} is an expression specifying the initial value.

When we declare a variable and assign it a value, the expression to the right side of the equal asign is evaluated and assigned to the variable name on the left side of the equal sign. This is called an assignment statement. Because of this procedure, we should always read assignment statements from left to right when determining what value the variable is assigned. That said, let's consider the differences between each of the keywords. First, once a variable is declared with let, it cannot then be redeclared later down the program:

let x = 0;

// This returns an uncaught syntax error
let x = 1;

However, a variable declared with let can be reassigned a value. When reassign a value to some variable x,{x,} the old value assigned to x{x} is lost:

let x = 0;
x = x + 1;

From these rules, we can see that let is JavaScript's way of providing mutable variables.

Alternatively, we can declare a variable with const:

const acceleration = 9.807;

As the name suggests, a variable declared with const is a constant β€” it cannot be redeclared, nor can we reassign it values. Thus, const is JavaScript's way of providing mutable variables. Moreover, a variable declared with const must always be initialized. In other words, we

cannot simply declare a const; it must always be assigned an initial value.

const acceleration = 9.807;

acceleration += 1; // returns an error

const velocity; // returns an error

We can assign a constant to a variable with declared with let or const. When this is done, a copy of the value stored in the constant is passed to the variable. Thus, any mutation done to the variable will only affect changed to the variable, not the constant:

const x = 1;
let y = x;

When should we use const or let? It depends on what the value is being used for. If we know a particular value will be reused extensively throughout the code or we want an immutable value, const should always be used. Otherwise, we can use let. In general, mutability should be minimized whenever possible, as it reduces the number of values we have to keep track of.1

As an aside and warning, note that const and let do not somehow allow us to use the same identifiers in a single namespace. For example, let x = term; does not allow us to write const x = term;. var was JavaScript's original way of declaring variables. Like let, variables declared with var are mutable variables.

var mass = 4.5;
mass += 1;

Using var is generally discouraged. We will refrain from delving into the details for now, but var is function-scoped, and let is block-scoped. The issues this distinction causes will be explored in subsequent materials on functions.

Naming Variables and Other Conventions

There are a few rules that should always be followed when naming variables: (1) Variable names should be concise, descriptive, and balanced between being concise and descriptive. (2) The first character in a variable name should be a letter. (3) Do not use reserved words. (4) camelCasing should be used for variables of multiple words (camelCasing is the most widely-used and preferred approach; snake_casing is consider bad practice). In particular: (a) Functions and methods generally follow camelCasing. (b) Classes and components generally follow PascalCasing. (c) Private variables, functions, and methods are generally prefixed with an underscore. (d) Constants, class names, and program names are in all uppercase or PascalCased (every word capitalized). (e) Variables cannot be named with kebab-casing (dashes-for-spaces), but JavaScript files can. For Boolean variables or functions with Boolean return values, use of quantifiers (β€œis”, β€œare”, β€œwere”, etc.) helpful:

let isVisible = true;
let isSubmitted = true;
const IsEncrypted = true;

The collection of bindings and their values at any given time is called the environment. The moment we run a JavaScript program, an environment is created. That environment, however, is not limited to the bindings we've created. It also contains bindings provided by JavaScript natively.

Null & Undefined

The primitive type null is a primitive type consisting of only one value: null. The value null represents the absence of a meaningful value. This can be useful, in that it allows us to declare a variable without assigning it a value, then use it later on.

let x = null;

Like null, the type undefined consists of only one value, undefined. It too represents the absence of value. However, it's meaning is slighly different from null. In JavaScript, undefined is a value JavaScript returns to us. It informs us that we have declared a variable, but have not yet assigned it a value. Because of this fact, we do not typically programmer declare variables and assign them the value undefined. We would instead us null for such a case.

let x;

One way to think about this is a toilet tissue holder. When a variable is assigned a non-zero value, the toilet tissue holder has a roll of tissue. When the variable is assigned a zero value, the toilet tissue holder only holds the roll's cardboard cylinder. When the variable is assigned null, the toilet tissue holder is there, but there is no cardboard cylinder; only the holder. When the variable is undefined, there's no holder at all.


A string is a sequence of characters. In JavaScript, strings are an immutable ordered sequence of 16-bit values, where each value represents a Unicode character. Strings are inherently arrays (since they are an ordered sequence). Thus, each character in a string has an index, starting at 0. While the type number represents numeric data, and the type boolean represents logical data, the type string represents textual data.

Strings can be represented in JS with double quotes (""), single quotes (''), or backticks (``), as long as they are used consistently.

firstName = "David";
lastName = 'Hilbert';
occupation = `Mathematician`;
nickName = 'Hilby" // Error here

Backticks are used for string interpolation:

let a = 9;
let b = 8;
let sum = a + b;
let result = `The result of ${a} + ${b} is ${sum}`;
The result of 9 + 8 is 17

JavaScript provides many built in methods for manipulating strings. A few of the most often used methods are provided below.

String Length

The number of characters in a string is called its length, and JS can return that number by using the syntax ${a}$.length, where a{a} is a string:

"hello".length; // returns 5
let greeting = "howdy";
greeting.length; // returns 5

Concatenating Strings

The arithmetic symbols do not operate on strings, except for +. Writing ${a}$ + ${b}$, where a{a} and b{b} are strings will concatenate a{a} and b{b}. Concatenation is simply appending, or combing different strings. Strings can be concatenated with a + character.

let firstName = "Sherlock";
let lastName = "Holmes";
let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
// JS returns "Sherlock Holmes"

Using Comparison Operators on Strings

The comparison operators, >, <, >= , <=, ==, and != can be used with strings. When this is done, JavaScript compares Unicode's numeric representation of each character from left to right. For example, "apple" is β€œless than” "banana" because the character "a" is 97 in Unicode, and the character "b" is 98. Along the same lines, "annatto" is less than "apple", because "n" is 110 in Unicode, and "p" is 112.

String Indices

Strings are an array of characters (i.e., they are an ordered list of characters). Thus, every character in a string has an indexβ€”the number of its position.

Recall that in computer science, we always count from 0. Thus, the first character in a string has index 0, the second character index 1, the third index 4, etc. Furthermore, because strings are indexed, JavaScript can search for parts of a string. A string's indices also allow JavaScript to copy parts of the string, and store those copies into a new variable. For example:

let word = "quadratic";
// Return first character in word, q:

Common String Methods

JavaScript provides numerous methods for use with strings. Below are examples of some of the most common methods:

let word = "hello";
// capitalize all characters in string

// lowercase all characters in string

let phrase = " excuse me ";
// remove white spaces before the string

// remove white spaces after the string

let greet = "Hello world!";
// determine if string contains a substring
greet.includes("World!"); // returns false
greet.includes("world!"); // returns true

let sport = "basketball";
let law = "contracts law";
// take a slice of the string
sport.slice(6); // returns 'ball'
law.slice(0, 9); // returns 'contracts'

let quote = "Call me Bond";
// replace a substring
quote.replace("Bond", "Ishmael"); // return 'Call me Ishmael'

let food = "hotdog";
// find starting index of a substring or character
food.indexOf("hot"); // returns 0
food.indexOf("dog"); // returns 3

Primitive Type: Boolean

The primitive type boolean covers only 2 values: true or false. Because the boolean type has only two values, they are an effective way of representing strictly binary values:

  1. true or false
  2. yes or no
  3. 1 or 0

Boolean Operators

Like most languages, JavaScript provides Boolean operators corresponding to the logical connectives:

a && ba∧b{a \land b}
a || ba∨b{a \lor b}
!a¬a{\neg a}

Comparison Operators

Being able to compare values is critical to making simple decisions. The comparison operators are what allow us to compare numbers.

The comparison operator > determines whether the first value is greater than the second value.

10 > 9; // returns true

The comparison operator < determines whether the first value is less than the second value.

5 < 8; // returns true
2 < 1; // returns false
1 < 1; // returns false

The boolean operator >= determines whether or not the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.

7 >= 8; // returns false--7 is neither greater than nor equal to 8
8 >= 8; // returns true--8 is not greater than 8, but it is equal to 8
10 >= 7; // returns true--10 is not equal to 7, but it is greater than 8

The boolean operator <= determines whether or not the first value is less than or equal to the second value.

9 <= 10; // returns true; 9 is not equal to 10, but it is less than 10.
10 <= 10; // returns true; 10 is not less than 10, but it is equal to 10.
11 <= 10; // returns false; 11 is neither less than nor equal to 10.

The equality operator == determines whether two values are equal in value, but it does not check whether the values are equal in type.

7 == "7"; // returns true; JavaScript forces the values into a common type
0 == "s"; // returns false
0 == ""; // returns true
0 == false; // returns true
null == undefined; // returns true

The strict equality operator === determines whether two values equal in value AND equal in type.

5 === 5; // returns true
1 === 2; // returns false
2 === "2"; // returns false
0 === false; // returns false
null === undefined; // returns false

The nonequality operator != determines whether two values are nonequal in value, but it does not determine whether the values are nonequal in type; this is the analog of the equality operator, ==.

null != undefined; // returns false
2 != "2"; // returns false
2 != 3; // returns true

The strict nonequality operator !== determines whether two values are nonequal in value and nonequal in type.

null !== undefined; // returns true
2 !== "2"; // returns true
2 !== 3; // returns true


JavaScript has no problem converting values from one type to another. This is a double-edged sword. For example, if we give JavaScript a value of type number when it expects a value of type string, JavaScript will convert the number into a string. This can lead to unexpected results. In other programming languages, these sort of operations will return an error.

Number(n); // casts n as a number
parseFloat(); // parses a string, returns float
parseInt(); // parses a string, returns int
String(); // convert number into string


Given JavaScript's automatic type conversion feature, a useful operator to know is the typeof operator. With typeof, we can determine what the type of a given value or variable is. For example:

typeof "hi"; // returns "string"
typeof 1; // returns "number"

Notice that in the comments we used double quotes. typeof returns an actual value of type string. This is particularly useful for checking whether an inputted or outputted value is of a particular type.


  1. We will see in later sections why mutability can become very tedious and confusing. Simply put, allowing code elsewhere to modify a variable's assigned value can affect code relying on the variable's previous value. A hallmark of object-oriented programming is meticulously keeping track of mutable values. ↩