
C++ uses a preprocessor to process source code before the code goes to the compiler. The preprocessor performs several tasks. First, it goes through the entire source code, and replaces every comment with a single space. Then, it looks for preprocessor directives and executes them. These directives always start with a hash sign, #. Some examples:

  • #include <iostream>
  • #include "foo.h"
  • #if
  • #else
  • #endif
  • #ifdef
  • #ifndef
  • #define
  • #undef
  • #line
  • #error
  • #pragma

The most commonly used directive is #include. When the preprocessor encounters this directive, it replaces the line with the file referred to (the preprocessor processes that file as well). Once the directive is processed, it is removed.

We can think of #include as akin to importing libraries or modules in other languages. When we write #include α{\alpha}`` into a source code file β{\beta}, C++ essentially dumps, or pastes, all of the contents of α{\alpha} into file β.{\beta.}

Header Files and Preprocessing

Let's forget about the notion of libraries for a moment, and just talk about header files. The basic idea behind a header file is what forms the basis for libraries. As aforementioned, by convention, we indicate header files with a .h extension. E.g., foo.h.

To begin, we start by considering the following code, contained in a file called print.cpp:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	char message[] = "Hello world!";
	std::cout << message << std::endl;
	return 0;
Hello world!

All we're doing is outputting to the console the contents of message. Let's say we don't want to keep writing the line containing std::cout and std::endl, so we write a print() function:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;

void printString(const char* message) {
	std::cout << message << std::endl;

int main() {
	char message[] = "Hello world!";
	return 0;
"Hello world!";

Now let's say we have another file, ErrorMessages.cpp, that prints custom error messages. Let's further say that we want to use our printString() function; it's pretty useful after all:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;

void end_of_file_reached() {
	printString("End of the file reached during read.");

void negative_integer() {
	printString("Negative integer detected. Only positive integers permitted.");

void float_detected() {
	printString("Floating point number detected. Only integers permitted.");

The problem with our ErrorMessages.cpp file: The compiler has no idea what printString() is. In fact, printString() just doesn't exist. We need a way to tell the compiler that printString() actually exists. To do so, we must write a function declaration (i.e., a function without its body):

#include &lt;iostream&gt;

void printString(const char* message);

void end_of_file_reached() {
	printString("End of the file reached during read.");

void negative_integer() {
	printString("Negative integer detected. Only positive integers permitted.");

void float_detected() {
	printString("Floating point number detected. Only integers permitted.");

The code above compiles just fine. But notice what this means. Do we have to write these function declarations in all of our files? The answer is, frankly, yes. We have to include the relevant function declarations everywhere. As we can surmise, this is tedious. We just have one function above, but with larger programs, we could easily have hundreds, if not thousands, of functions. This is where header files come to the rescue.

What we can do is create a new file called print.h, and place therein our function declaration:

// print.h
#pragma once

void printString(const char* message);

We'll talk about #pragma once in a moment. For now, the key point is that we're placing our function printString() declaration inside the header file. Then, inside ErrorMessages.cpp, we include the header file:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include "print.h"

void end_of_file_reached() {
	printString("End of the file reached during read.");

void negative_integer() {
	printString("Negative integer detected. Only positive integers permitted.");

void float_detected() {
	printString("Floating point number detected. Only integers permitted.");

Our code compiles just fine. Now, inside print.cpp, the main() function was included for demonstration purposes. print.cpp isn't our main driver. Instead, main() should be placed in a Main.cpp file. Accordingly, let's place main() inside a new file main.cpp with some code:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include "print.h"

int main() {
	printString("Hello world!");
	return 0;
Hello world!

This works as expected. Next, we can transfer our function declarations in ErrorMessages.cpp into a header file of its own:

#include "print.h"

void end_of_file_reached();
void negative_integer();
void float_detected();

Then, placing ErrorMessages.h into our main.cpp file:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include "print.h"
#include "ErrorMessages.h"

int main() {
	return 0;
End of the file reached during read.
Negative integer detected. Only positive integers permitted.
Floating point number detected. Only integers permitted.

It works as expected. Let's go back to that #pragma once statement. #pragma once is a preprocessor, and it's essentially a safeguard. To see why we need #pragma once, suppose print.h contained a struct called CustomMessages, and we removed #pragma once:

void printString(const char* message);

struct CommonMessages {};

If we tried to compile our program again:

make all

./print.h:3:8: error: redefinition of 'CommonMessages'
struct CommonMessages {};
main.cpp:2:10: note: './print.h' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "print.h"
./ErrorMessages.h:1:10: note: './print.h' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "print.h"
./print.h:3:8: note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
struct CommonMessages {};
1 error generated.
make: *** [main.o] Error 1

We get an error message that we're redefining CommonMessages. Why is this happening? Well, recall what #include does. It essentially tells the preprocessor to "copy-and-paste" contents of a file into the file. Thus, by omitting #pragma once, we have struct CommonMessages {}; inside print.cpp, then struct CommonMessages {}; in ErrorMessages.cpp. When we include print.h and ErrorMessages.h inside main.cpp, we have two struct CommonMessages {} inside the same file. This violates C++'s rule prohibiting redefinitions. #pragma once ensures that this duplication doesn't happen. It essentially tells the preprocessor, "Only include this once."

Including #pragma once in print.h, things go back to normal:

#pragma once
void printString(const char* message);

struct CommonMessages {};
End of the file reached during read.
Negative integer detected. Only positive integers permitted.
Floating point number detected. Only integers permitted.

As an aside, before #pragma once came along, the traditional way to ensure duplication doesn't occur is with ifndef ... endif block. To illustrate:

#ifndef _PRINT_H
#define _PRINT_H
void printString(const char* message);

struct CommonMessages {};

For our purposes, the code above does the same thing as #pragma once. It essentially says that if the symbol _PRINT_H is not defined, go ahead and define. Otherwise, don't define it. This is essentially what #pragma once does. Modern C++ programs use #pragma once because it's cleaner and easier, but there are many C++ programs that continue to use the traditional method. For most programs, which to use comes down to personal preference. Most compilers today support #pragma once, but there may be situations where a machine uses a compiler that doesn't support the idiom. Given how much more widespread #pragma once has become, we will use #pragma once.